Multi-level Security
The solutions and services offered by MT-Cyber emphasize simplicity and efficiency of operation.
In order to meet the desired objectives we rely
on the client's key capabilities and our experience
in the field of cybersecurity and intelligence.
According to the "digital footprint" of each client, we generate and send relevant cyber threats alerts. Through this service we take immediate action in order to prevent potential threats and contain intrusion efforts before they cause any damage.
The service includes alerts for the following scenarios: attack intentions or threats, phishing pages, suspicious domains, misleading pages, data leakage, brand misuse, vulnerabilities and unsecured configurations, VIP identity theft, among others.
We follow up on attack remediation and mitigation services, such as phishing pages shutdown, fake social networks profiles, apocryphal applications, as well as specific investigation services and interaction with undercover actors.
The cybersecurity strategic analysis aims to identify and define the specific client cyberthreat references, as well as helps to recognize their main areas of opportunity in the information security field, that allows us to provide short and long term recommendations to increase the client's information security level and reduce the risk threats.
The process is derived from military intelligence protocols and carried out according to our environment and threat analysis methodology.
We develop the work plan for the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) of the company providing consultancy and support in the execution of tasks / projects according to the specific needs of each client.
Based on the concept of Threat Hunting, we offer different monitoring solutions with a managed service scheme and alerts. These solutions include:
Decoys Based Monitoring: Service based on the deployment of decoys in the corporate network in order to identify any possible attack interaction, lateral movements, vulnerabilities utilization, among others.
Event Correlation - Endpoint Level: Innovative monitoring solution
that allows the correlation of multiple events and the organization network devices (endpoints) behavior analysis, to identify, contain and eradicate detected threats.
Mobile Device Monitoring : The service is based on a leading platform for detecting threats such as phishing, smishing, malware infection, MitM attacks, among others.
The awareness campaigns are focused on Phishing, Spear Phishing, Whaling, Business Email Compromise, among other topics.
The main objective of the campaigns is to improve the employees' level of knowledge about possible threats related to information security, as well as to develop their ability to identify suspicious emails and different potential threats.
We offer Black Box and Gray Box tests that aim to target jointly defined attack scenarios.
We achieve acting in the same way a real attacker would by technical evidence that we contextualize it in the terms of the business.
Our cyber offensive experts have years of experience in the field of ethical hacking and our tests are performed according to international standards such as PCI-DSS, PTES, NIST 800-115, OSSTMM, ISSAF, OWASP, WASC, and CVSS.